
IT Solution Factor advanced VMware solutions competences


Since the very beginning of the partnership between ITSF and VMware, we actively invest in development of our competences in terms of this vendor’s solutions. VMware is a global leader whose software is used in the most complex digital structures in the world. The main aspect of our partnership is IT resources virtualization. IT
Factor provides comprehensive services in terms of designing, instalation, configuration and maintaining VMware solutions.

Thanks to gaining this unique competences, as one of a few IT integrators in Poland, we have the highest partner status possible: Principal Solution Provider VMware. 

We have a solution competency in all of the VMware services: Hybrid Cloud, Modern
Transform Networking and Security oraz Empower Digital Workspace.

This year we also obtained another competence: VMware Modern Applications (Tanzu). 

This knowledge confirms that our company has a team of highly competent and
certified engeneers, who have indispensable experience in terms of designing
and implementation of broad spectrum of VMware solutions.

Moreover, through many projects for banking, insurance, energy and public administration sectors, our team proved its abilities in terms of sales and implementation of Data Center Virtualisation solutions. Last year we obtained the highest competency of Data Center Virtualisation technology called VMware Master Solution Competency (MSC) which proves our experience of providing such services. We also had to have reference from our customers to prove that we succesfully implemented Data Centre Virtualisation solutions for their companies. As an experienced VMware partner, we help companies and public institutions choose the right hardware infrastructure and implementation model. We also provide our customers with services which allow them to maximise the advantages of high tech solutions. Containers, automation, software-defined Data Center – these are the areas of our passionate work for our customers. Adding to that, we implement solutions in terms of ongoing maintenance of VMware aplications which help our customers use the possibilities of IT resources virtualisation.

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